Will Bahra


About Will Bahra

I’ve been helping companies find the right talent in the software engineering and IT industry since 2015 and realised my passion in this industry so I started RecOps in 2021.

Since working in the Tech recruitment industry, my main focus has been sourcing software developers using various languages like C#, Java, JavaScript, Python, Ruby & Scala. After founding RecOps I’ve taken on all tech roles placing Chief Technology Officers, Automation Testers, Business Analysts & Software Architects.

Recently I’ve started to put my attention on scaling up smaller businesses, which often means hiring the right people quickly to fill a need. As an example, a scale up RecOps delivered was 10 hires split over 2 months placing C# Developers & Automation Testers.

I enjoy speaking to people – I’m a chatty person & love hearing about what others are doing. I may have hit a few people up for travel advice along the way! I work with two of the best people I know, what more can I ask for? It’s a relaxed and fun environment.

Relevant Experience

  • Software, IT, & Tech recruitment specialist since 2015
  • 10+ of Sales experience
  • Scaling smaller businesses
  • Dealing with programmers that use various languages

Hobbies & Interests

I love bouldering, Leeds United & travelling. I aspire to go to every country in Europe, only a few more to go.