Tomas Bersier

Recruitment Consultant

About Tomas Bersier

I started at RecOps in 2023 and my first 12 months in recruitment certainly has been a steep learning curve. Now that my first year is out of the way, I feel like I’m in a great position to continue to grow in the market I find most interesting: Cloud & DevOps.

I enjoy being part of the RecOps team because we have a very strong team spirit. I believe that when working in small teams, it’s important to encourage and help get the most out of each other. I’m grateful that we work in the tech space as I love learning how technology is so involved in building the world around us.

Relevant Experience Five years spent working in sales in both retail and real estate.

Hobbies & interests 
Outside of work I like to travel as much as possible. My family live in France and Switzerland so I try to get over to visit whenever I can. I also love sports, I’m a big Liverpool fan and have been watching Formula 1 for nearly two decades. I’ve been an avid skier since I was three years old.